If you have ever wondered how you would look with different coloured eyes, try our Illusions Grey coloured contacts. Designed to give your eyes a moderate colour change. These innovative coloured contact lenses feature a star burst design and an outer ring whilst creating the illusion of bigger more glamorous eyes. Switch up your look on a night out, or create a stunning effect for a special event.
- Sold as a pair, and will last either 1 day, 1 Month, 3 Month or 1 Year.
- Wear for maximum of 8 hours
- 45% water content
- Lens diameter: Approx. 14mm
- Packaged in sterile buffered isotonic saline
- Manufactured in accordance with the EU Cosmetics Directive
- European CE marked
- UK Brand
Note: All MesmerEyez lenses come in pairs. Remember, our lenses DO NOT come with a case or solution. For 1 Month, 3 Month and 1 Year, you will need a case and solution to maintain your lenses. You will also need to soak them before your first use.
Grey Contact Lenses 3 months